DTU Elektro's Center for Playware in the TV News with MOTO tiles

Thursday 08 Sep 16
Developments from Center for Playware at DTU Electrical Engineering were broadcasted broadly in the television news this week, appearing in TV2 Nyhederne, TV2 Lorry and TV Øst 

Video clips, featuring the Moto tiles were shared and viewed on social media more than 400.000 times. The reports featured the Moto tiles developed with Center for Playware/Entertainment Robotics, and how implementation of this playware technology in five municipalities have led to elderly citizens achieving better balance, not needing their walking aids anymore, and becoming self-reliant after playing on the tiles.

TV2 News posted a short 30-sec clip of the 3 minutes report, and posted it on their facebook, where it has been both shared and viewed by 375.000 people - see the clip here

A 5 minute video made by Gentofte Municipality at the same home for the elderly as seen in the TV2 news clip, showing the Moto tiles in "action", can be seen here  

A report from Faxe municipality in TV Øst yesterday shows how an elderly man has now thrown away his rollator walking aid and can walk freely without after playing (training) for some time with the Moto tiles.  See the video here

A short 30-sec clip from another longer TV report in TV2 Lorry (also viewed by 40.000 on their Facebook).  See the video here

An article "Specielle fliser kan give millionbesparelser" can be read here  

Other magazines such as Magasinet Pleje, Fysioterapeuten, Welfare Tech, Healthcare Denmark, have also done some reporting.


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