Center for Playware at Roskilde Festival 2013

Monday 01 Jul 13

Volbeat, Efterklang, etc. play with Center for Playware at Roskilde Festival 2013

Center for Playware is collaborating with a long list of the headliners at the Roskilde Festival this week, including Volbeat, Efterklang, When Saints Go Machine, Bombino and Marie Key. Center for Playware has developed electronic cubes for social remixing, and collaborated with the bands for the music production fit for the electronic cubes. In the collaboration, they aim at mediating social interaction in music remixing for anybody. Together with the Danish Rock Museum, Center for Playware is allowing festival audience to play with the MusicTiles magic cubes in the Sonic Zone at the Roskilde Festival 2013. 

See the 2 videos here and here

Center for Playware samarbejder med en lang liste af hovednavnene på Roskilde Festival i denne uge, herunder Volbeat, Efterklang, When Saints Go Machine, Bombino og Marie Key. Center for Playware har udviklet elektroniske kuber for social remixing og i samarbejde med bands'ene har de omproduceret musikken sådan at det er egnet til de elektroniske musik kuber. Samarbejdet sigter mod at understøtte social interaktion i musik remixing for alle. Sammen med Dansk Rock Museum har Center for Playware gjort MusicTiles magic cubes tilgængeligt til leg for festival gæsterne i Sonic Zone på Roskilde Festival 2013.

Se videoerne her og her

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