Playware Keynote at World Conference on Gerontechnology

Wednesday 18 Jun 14
Professor Henrik Hautop Lund will give the keynote talk “Playful Rehabilitation with Playware for Older Adults” at the 9th World Conference on Gerontechnology (ISG 2014) on Saturday 21st June in Taipei, Taiwan

Hosted by International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG), the World Conference of Gerontechnology is the world's largest gathering of scholars, researchers, experts and practitioners in the field of Gerontechnology. The keynote talk will present effect studies, which show the significant effect of play among elderly individuals.

One of these studies is presented in the Games for Health Journal publication: HH Lund & J Jessen: Effects of Short-Term Training of Community-Dwelling Elderly with Modular Interactive Tiles, Games for Health Journal, 3:5, June 2014.

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