
(Photo: Center for Playware)
25 SEP

Nye high tech-sundhedsløsninger bygger på big data

Højteknologiske robotløsninger har i de senere år fundet vej fra universiteternes laboratorier til sundhedsvæsenet. Næste udviklingsbølge bygger på data fra brug af teknologierne...

Electrotechnology and automation Health and diseases Robot technology and automation
Photo: Center for Playware, DTU
17 MAY

Danish welfare-tech wins award in Singapore

Modular welfare technology Moto Tiles, developed at DTU for eldercare, wins Product Innovation of the Year at the Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards.

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation Health technology
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
10 APR

Pupil wins DTU RoboCup again

For more than 20 years, DTU Electrical Engineering has held DTU RoboCup to focus on the development of robots. This year, the focus is on intelligence and reliability.

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation
Vinder af DTU RoboCup 2018 August Borg Ljørring (Foto: Mikal Schlosser)
05 APR

Skoleelev vinder DTU RoboCup igen

I mere end 20 år har DTU Elektro afholdt DTU RoboCup for at sætte fokus på robotters udvikling. I år er intelligens og pålidelighed i fokus. Vinderen af årets konkurrence...

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation
Moto tiles (Photo: Henning Larsen Architects)
28 FEB

DTU Nominated for 3 'Oscars' of the Eldercare Industry

DTU and Professor Henrik Hautop Lund from Center for Playware, DTU Electrical Engineering, are nominated for the development of the Moto Tiles for eldercare.

Electrotechnology and automation Health and diseases
(Photo: Center for Playware)
20 FEB

Better Rehabilitation with Play

The Danish Physical Therapy Association reports on the work by our Center for Playware at DTU Electrical Engineering.

Electrotechnology and automation Health and diseases
Den menneskelignende robot iCub balancerer med en bold (Foto: DTU Elektro)
30 NOV

Robotter bidrager til kortlægning af hjernen

Forskere fra DTU bidrager som de eneste fra Danmark til EU’s flagskibsprojekt om at kortlægge den menneskelige hjerne, Human Brain projektet.

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation
GoPal (Photo: Robotize)
23 NOV

Tæt samarbejde med DTU bag lancering af ny transport-robot

Forskere fra DTU har i tæt parløb med virksomheden Robotize udviklet en ny robot til erstatning af trucken, når virksomheder skal flytte paller.

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation
Moto tiles (Photo: Torben Nielsen)
11 OCT

HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary on Playware Moto Tiles

During the current royal visit to Japan, on Wednesday 11 Oct, HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary, had the chance to engage in playful interaction with...

Electronics Robot technology and automation Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
Thyra Frank (Photo: Center for Playware)
15 SEP

Minister consults playware for seniors in Japan

The Danish Minister for Senior Citizens, Thyra Frank, visited the Hanshin IkiIki Day Service in Osaka on 14 September 2017 to find inspiration on the senior citizen care...

Electrotechnology and automation Robot technology and automation

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