
Foto: AgriRobots
25 NOV

Robotter er oplagte i brancher med få hænder

Markedet for landbrugsrobotter vokser og ventes at blive milliardstort om få år. Andre brancher med mangel på arbejdskraft kan blive de næste. 

Robot technology and automation Food, fish and agriculture
(Foto: DTU Elektro)
27 OCT

Robot trained to remove weeds from organic fields

A large image database forms the basis for the training of a small robot which—in future—will remove unwanted weeds from organic pastures.

Robot technology and automation Environment and pollution Food, fish and agriculture
(Foto: DTU Elektro)
27 OCT

Robot trænes til at fjerne ukrudt fra økologiske marker

Stor billeddatabase danner baggrund for træningen af en lille robot, der fremover skal fjerne uønsket ukrudt fra økologiske græsmarker. 

Robot technology and automation Environment and pollution Food, fish and agriculture
Cows in the fiels (Photo: Kasper Nymann/Colourbox)
05 MAY

Autonomous systems to weed out organic weeds

Leading researchers in robotics will develop an autonomous robot to be trained using artificial intelligence to find and eradicate weeds in organic fields.

Robot technology and automation Food, fish and agriculture
Køer på græs (Foto: Kasper Nymann/Colourbox)
04 MAY

Autonome systemer til at luge økologisk ukrudt

Førende forskere inden for robotteknologi skal udarbejde en autonom robot, der ved hjælp af kunstig intelligens skal trænes til selv at finde og udrydde ukrudt i økologiske...

Robot technology and automation Food, fish and agriculture
03 FEB

Novo Nordisk Foundation funding for Center for Playware

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded our Center for Playware at DTU Electrical Engineering the project Growbot Universe as a partner together with DTU Food (PI), University...

Food production Food technology
10 APR

Lille undervandsdrone skal hjælpe fiskere

Ung forsker bidrager til udviklingen af et lille nyt autonomt undervandsfartøj, der skal hjælpe fiskere med at identificere stimer af fisk.

Robot technology and automation Fisheries and fish stocks Electrotechnology
Image: DTU
22 NOV

Students will soon be able to code and grow greens in class

Danish primary school students are allowed to play with their food in a new project, which lets them grow their own greens in biology class using a food computer.

Food, fish and agriculture Nutrition and dietary habits
Image: DTU
22 NOV

Elever kan snart programmere og dyrke grønt i skolen

Danske skoleelever får mulighed for at lege med maden i et nyt projekt, hvor de med en computer kan dyrke grønt i biologitimerne.

Nutrition and dietary habits Food, fish and agriculture

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