
(Foto: NORDEN)
09 OCT

Intelligente droner skal inspicere danske skibes sikkerhed

Et nyt projekt vil udvikle intelligente droner, der på egen hånd er i stand til at genkende mere end 99 pct. af de mulige fejl, der kan være på skibe, når de gennemgår...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Transport safety
21 JUN

Playware wins award as Most Outstanding Healthcare Innovator in the World in 2019

The award as ‘The Most Outstanding Healthcare Innovator in the World in 2019’ was presented to Professor Henrik Hautop Lund at the gala for the 2019 at The Global Over...

Electrotechnology Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
17 JUN

Moto Tiles win the SilverEco and Ageing Well International Award in Tokyo

Moto Tiles from our Center for Playware, DTU Electrical Engineering, won the SilverEco and Ageing Well International Awards at the event held at Global Business Hub in...

Electrotechnology Medicine and medico technology Electronics Robot technology and automation Medical equipment and systems
Fra venstre: Lazaros Nalpantidis, Evangelos Boukas and Matteo Fumagalli (Foto: Automation and Control)
11 JUN

DTU opruster sin forskning i autonome systemer og robotter

Ansættelse af tre forskere og en helt ny kandidatuddannelse er en væsentlig styrkelse af DTU’s arbejde inden for robotteknologi og autonome systemer. 

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology
Foto Bax Lindhardt
23 MAY

Ny uddannelse om selvkørende robotter

Fra efteråret 2019 udbyder DTU kandidatuddannelsen Autonome Systemer. Den får fokus på robotter og automatiserede enheder.

Robot technology and automation
16 MAY

Playware wins at the Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund and our Center for Playware won Innovation of the year for the Moto Tiles for eldercare and its novel automatic generation of personalized...

DTU RoboCup 2019 (Foto: Joachim Rode)
26 APR

15 selvkørende robotter dystede i RoboCup-finalen

Niveauet var højt i årets udgave af DTU RoboCup, der sætter fokus på robotters udvikling. To tidligere DTU-studerende vandt med en robot, som gennemførte den udfordrende...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
DTU RoboCup 2017 (Photo: Mikal Schlosser)
12 APR

DTU RoboCup har i år fokus på pålidelighed

I mere end 20 år har DTU Elektro afholdt DTU RoboCup for at sætte fokus på robotters udvikling. I år er det robotternes evne til at tackle uforudsete begivenheder og orientere...

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology
10 APR

Lille undervandsdrone skal hjælpe fiskere

Ung forsker bidrager til udviklingen af et lille nyt autonomt undervandsfartøj, der skal hjælpe fiskere med at identificere stimer af fisk.

Robot technology and automation Fisheries and fish stocks Electrotechnology
Foto: Kameraer og radar fra arbejdet med udvikling af automatiske løsninger til skibsdriften.
26 MAR

Dansk skibstrafik skal være autonom

Forskere skal bringe Danmark nærmere målet om de første autonome skibe.  

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Transport and logistics
Electrical pulses (Photo: Colourbox)
01 JAN

DTU sharpens its electrotechnology profile

The University now strengthens its research in the field of electrotechnology. Special focus will be on electronic design, energy, electromagnetism, automation, and acoustics...

Electrotechnology Energy Sound Electromagnetism Robot technology and automation
(Photo: DTU Elektro)
18 DEC

Robots to handle kitchen chores

A young DTU researcher has brought us one step closer to a kitchen robot that can help with cooking.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
(Photo: DTU Elektro)
18 DEC

Robot til hjælp i køkkenet

En ung DTU-forsker har bragt os et skridt nærmere en køkkenrobot, der kan hjælpe med madlavningen. 

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Image: DTU
22 NOV

Students will soon be able to code and grow greens in class

Danish primary school students are allowed to play with their food in a new project, which lets them grow their own greens in biology class using a food computer.

Food, fish and agriculture Nutrition and dietary habits
Image: DTU
22 NOV

Elever kan snart programmere og dyrke grønt i skolen

Danske skoleelever får mulighed for at lege med maden i et nyt projekt, hvor de med en computer kan dyrke grønt i biologitimerne.

Nutrition and dietary habits Food, fish and agriculture
Best teachers of the semester spring-summer 2018 (Photo: Benny Johansen)
07 NOV

Best teachers of the semester at DTU Elektro

Teachers of the course 'Robust and fault-tolerant control' were acknowledged as best teachers of the semester at a Department staff meeting this Monday.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
DTU RoboCup 2017 (Photo: Mikal Schlosser)
26 OCT

DTU RoboCup 2019

Næste års robotkonkurrence kommer til at indeholde både nye og velkendte udfordringer for de deltagerne robotter.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Kameraer og radar fra arbejdet med udvikling af automatiske løsninger til skibsdriften.  (Foto: DTU)
08 OCT

Ferry-on-demand til øer og havne

Automatisering af skibsfart kan i fremtiden gøre øboers færgetransport mere fleksibel og sikre mulighed for nem overfart på tværs af havneløb. 

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Transport and logistics
REMORA (Photo: Morten Beier)
02 OCT

Fremtidens robotter arbejder sammen

Robotter vil fremover ikke kun fungere i samarbejde med mennesker, men vil også kunne samarbejde med hinanden om at løse stadig mere komplekse opgaver. 

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
(Photo: Center for Playware)
26 SEP

New high-tech health solutions based on big data

In recent years, high-tech robotic solutions have found their way from the universities’ laboratories to the healthcare system.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Health and diseases
(Photo: Center for Playware)
25 SEP

Nye high tech-sundhedsløsninger bygger på big data

Højteknologiske robotløsninger har i de senere år fundet vej fra universiteternes laboratorier til sundhedsvæsenet. Næste udviklingsbølge bygger på data fra brug af teknologierne...

Electrotechnology Health and diseases Robot technology and automation
Photo: Center for Playware, DTU
17 MAY

Danish welfare-tech wins award in Singapore

Modular welfare technology Moto Tiles, developed at DTU for eldercare, wins Product Innovation of the Year at the Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Medicine and medico technology
Photo: Mikal Schlosser
10 APR

Pupil wins DTU RoboCup again

For more than 20 years, DTU Electrical Engineering has held DTU RoboCup to focus on the development of robots. This year, the focus is on intelligence and reliability.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Vinder af DTU RoboCup 2018 August Borg Ljørring (Foto: Mikal Schlosser)
05 APR

Skoleelev vinder DTU RoboCup igen

I mere end 20 år har DTU Elektro afholdt DTU RoboCup for at sætte fokus på robotters udvikling. I år er intelligens og pålidelighed i fokus. Vinderen af årets konkurrence...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Moto tiles (Photo: Henning Larsen Architects)
28 FEB

DTU Nominated for 3 'Oscars' of the Eldercare Industry

DTU and Professor Henrik Hautop Lund from Center for Playware, DTU Electrical Engineering, are nominated for the development of the Moto Tiles for eldercare.

Electrotechnology Health and diseases
(Photo: Center for Playware)
20 FEB

Better Rehabilitation with Play

The Danish Physical Therapy Association reports on the work by our Center for Playware at DTU Electrical Engineering.

Electrotechnology Health and diseases
Den menneskelignende robot iCub balancerer med en bold (Foto: DTU Elektro)
30 NOV

Robotter bidrager til kortlægning af hjernen

Forskere fra DTU bidrager som de eneste fra Danmark til EU’s flagskibsprojekt om at kortlægge den menneskelige hjerne, Human Brain projektet.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
GoPal (Photo: Robotize)
23 NOV

Tæt samarbejde med DTU bag lancering af ny transport-robot

Forskere fra DTU har i tæt parløb med virksomheden Robotize udviklet en ny robot til erstatning af trucken, når virksomheder skal flytte paller.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Moto tiles (Photo: Torben Nielsen)
11 OCT

HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary on Playware Moto Tiles

During the current royal visit to Japan, on Wednesday 11 Oct, HRH Crown Prince Frederik and HRH Crown Princess Mary, had the chance to engage in playful interaction with...

Electronics Robot technology and automation Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
Thyra Frank (Photo: Center for Playware)
15 SEP

Minister consults playware for seniors in Japan

The Danish Minister for Senior Citizens, Thyra Frank, visited the Hanshin IkiIki Day Service in Osaka on 14 September 2017 to find inspiration on the senior citizen care...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
27 JUN

Playware-AUT eSport robotspil på Roskilde Festival

Styr din robot gennem festivalområdet for at samle og sortere affald, og lever det korrekt til affaldssortering, uden at din robot vælter telte eller toiletvogne undervejs...

Playware keynote at 9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment
21 JUN

Playware keynote at 9th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for...

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund of our DTU Center for Playware is invited to give the keynote talk on playware research this week at the 9th International Conference on Intelligent...

Underwater robot (Photo: Morten Beier)
15 JUN

Samarbejdende undervandsrobotter på vej til offshore-industrien

Forskere på DTU Elektro indvier et laboratorium, hvor de skal færdigudvikle en modulær robot til brug for bl.a. havvindmølleplatforme. Robotten skal anvendes til inspektion...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
industrial machinery (Photo: Colourbox)
30 MAY

One step closer to self-healing industrial machines in Industry 4.0

DTU researchers have developed robust methods for automatic compensation of wear in industrial machine tools. This essential step toward self-healing machinery is being...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Playware keynote at SHIFT Business Festival at Turku Castle, Finland
29 MAY

Playware keynote at SHIFT Business Festival at Turku Castle, Finland

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund of our Center for Playware will give one of the keynote talks at the SHIFT Business Festival at Turku Castle on 31st May. 

Wind turbines (Photo: Colourbox)
03 MAY

Ny metode til at overvåge og diagnosticere fejl på vindmøller

Forskere fra DTU har udviklet en enkel metode til at overvåge vindmøller, der udnytter den symmetri, møllen skaber ved rotation af vingerne.

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology Wind energy
Wind turbines (Photo: Colourbox)
03 MAY

Ny metode til at overvåge og diagnosticere fejl på vindmøller

Forskere fra DTU har udviklet en enkel metode til at overvåge vindmøller, der udnytter den symmetri, møllen skaber ved rotation af vingerne.

Kræn Vodder Busk på vej til test på et containerskib (Photo: MAN Diesel & Turbo)
02 MAY

Ny software begrænser luftforurening fra skibe markant

Ung DTU-forsker udvikler i samarbejde med MAN Diesel & Turbo ny software, der gør det muligt at begrænse udslip af både NOx-partikler og sort røg. Opfindelsen implementeres...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Software and programming
Vinderne af DTU RoboCup 2017 (Photo: Mikal Schlosser)
21 APR

DTU-studerende vinder DTU RoboCup

Den 20. DTU RoboCup-finale blev i går vundet af ’Team Amanda’ bestående af Ananda Nielsen, Daniel Høgh og Tobias Andersen - alle ingeniørstuderende på DTU. Det lå ellers...

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology
Vinderne af DTU RoboCup 2017 (Photo: Mikal Schlosser)
21 APR

DTU-studerende vinder DTU RoboCup

Den 20. DTU RoboCup-finale blev i går vundet af ’Team Amanda’ bestående af Ananda Nielsen, Daniel Høgh og Tobias Andersen - alle ingeniørstuderende på DTU. Det lå ellers...

DTU RoboCup 2016 (Photo: Mikal Schlosser)
06 APR

DTU RoboCup fejrer 20 års jubilæum

Siden 1997 har DTU Elektro hvert år afholdt DTU RoboCup for at sætte fokus på robotters udvikling. I takt med den teknologiske udvikling er kravene til deltagerne strammet...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
MBZIRC 2017, DTU Elektro's team.
23 MAR

Robotforsker tilfreds efter konkurrence med verdens eliteuniversiteter

En sølvmedalje i en af konkurrencedisciplinerne og en samlet fjerdeplads blev resultatet af DTU’s deltagelse i robotkonkurrence i sidste uge. 

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Island ferry (Photo: Colourbox)
20 MAR

Ny DTU rapport om autonome skibe

DTU har for Søfartsstyrelsen udarbejdet en foranalyse af potentialet for autonome skibe. Sikkerhedsmæssigt er der mange gevinster at hente. 

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Transport and logistics
Robots (Photo: Mikal Schlosser)
02 MAR

Verdens eliteuniversiteter konkurrerer om fremtidens robot

Som det eneste skandinaviske universitet deltager DTU i en konkurrence i Abu Dhabi, hvor robotters evne til at opfatte og tilpasse sig ændringer i omgivelserne, skal demonstreres...

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology
Iltrobot på Herlev Hospital.
08 FEB

Robot skal sikre ilt til KOL-patienter

Innovationsfonden har netop bevilget 7 mio. kr. til videreudvikling af en ny robot, der sikrer KOL-patienter den rette mængde ilt. DTU ser stort potentiale i at automatisere...

Robot technology and automation Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
(Photo: DTU Elektro)
20 DEC

Qualifying for robotic challenge in Abu Dhabi

DTU Elektro's Automation and Control group has passed the 2nd qualifying round of the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC). The challenge which is...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Foto: Scion DTU
19 DEC

DTU-spinouts kæmper om en halv million

Tre DTU-spinouts er blandt de seks finalister i Danish Tech Challenge. Til januar dyster de om Industriens Fonds Iværksætterpris på 500.000 kroner.

Model of brain (Photo: Lars Bahl)
18 NOV

Dansk videnskabeligt bidrag til EU’s Human Brain Project skudt i gang

DTU er eneste danske videnskabelige deltager i EU's store forskningsflagskib, Human Brain Project, der skal kortlægge den menneskelige hjerne. Aftalen om den danske del...

Robot technology and automation Health and diseases
07 NOV

IEEE IROS awards Prof. Harashima with Center for Playware's Moto Tiles

The founder of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),Professor Fumio Harashima, receives a set of Playware Moto Tiles at IROS 2016...

10 OCT

Playware at Award Ceremony at IEEE IROS

DTU Elektro's Center for Playware invited to hold plenary award ceremony talk at IROS 2016

Photo: Ditte Valente
23 SEP

Everyone has the right to play

Henrik Hautop Lund from the Center for Playware applies his technological knowledge to encourage people of all ages to play. When people take technology on board gladly...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Photo: Fable
12 SEP

Even children can build robots

Children as young as eight can use Fable, the robot module set, to build their own robots.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Photo: Fable
12 SEP

Selv et barn kan da bygge robotter

Med modulsættet Fable kan børn helt ned til otte år bygge deres egen robot.

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
08 SEP

DTU Elektro's Center for Playware in the TV News with MOTO tiles

Developments from Center for Playware at DTU Electrical Engineering were broadcasted broadly in the television news this week, appearing in TV2 Nyhederne, TV2 Lorry and...

Robot technology and automation
31 AUG

Seniors drop their walking aids when playing on DTU Playware

Seniors throw away their canes and rollators after playing with the Moto tiles developed at DTU Elektro's Center for Playware.

Electrotechnology Medicine and medico technology
09 AUG

Gold Medal for Playware at IEEE ICMA

Gold medal awarded to playware at IEEE ICMA

08 JUN

Center for Playware spinout Shape Robotics wins pitching competition

The DTU Elektro Center for Playware Spinout Shape Robotics wins the pitching competition Pitchfire.

Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics Materials
Electronic modular tiles (Photo: DTU Elektro)
31 MAR

Minister of Health consults Playware project

The Danish Minister of Health gathers experience and inspiration from far and near to the Government's action plan for dementia. This recently involved a demo of a training...

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology
10 FEB

Silvia Tolu from Center for Playware receiver of Marie Curie grant

Silvia Tolu fra Center for Playware has been granted with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF) funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020...

Electronics Robot technology and automation
Illustration: DTU
07 DEC

New issue of Technologist is out now

Our own Danish astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, occupies the front cover of the new issue of Technologist, DTU's international magazine, which this time takes a closer look...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Electronics Electrical engineering Optics Sensors Medical equipment and systems Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Space research Astrophysics Space technology and instruments
Cover of Technologist no. 7, 2015
07 DEC

Det nye Technologist er på gaden

Vores egen astronaut, Andreas Mogensen, har indtaget forsiden på det nye nummer af Technologist, DTU’s internationale magasin. Denne gang ser Technologist nemlig nærmere...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Electronics Electrical engineering Optics Sensors Medical equipment and systems Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Space research Astrophysics Space technology and instruments
04 NOV

Playware with Minister at World Robot Olympiads

The Centre for Playware is invited to showcase playware at the minister of higher education and science tour to World Robot Olympiads in Doha later this week. 

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Photo: DTU Electro
06 AUG

Play your way to improved health

Elderly people and children with disabilities are jumping their way to improved life quality using interactive robot tiles developed at the Center for Playware. 

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation Health and diseases
Photo: DTU Electro
27 JUL

Robotteknologi fremmer balancen hos ældre

Ældre og børn med handicap hopper sig til en større livskvalitet på interaktive robotfliser, der er udviklet på Center for Playware. 

18 MAY

1.9 Billion DKK on Playware Foundation

The spin-off company Universal Robots, founded by three former students and assistants of DTU's Playware and robotics professor has been sold for 1.9 billion DKK to Teradyne...

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology
09 APR

Record number of visitors at this year's Open House event

More than 2600 people visited DTU 5 March 2015 at the Open House event setting a new record. People enjoyed a fun afternoon where they could learn how technology is used...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
12 MAR

Interview with Center for Playware's David J. Christensen about Google's innovative...

Associate Professor David Johan Christensen was, on the 12th of March, 2015, interviewed about the new walking robot, Spot, from Google's Boston Dynamics on the national...

09 DEC

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund from Center for Playware Keynote Speaker at Health...

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund is Keynote Speaker at Health Tech 2014 - Brainport Region Eindhoven.  Health Tech is a yearly high tech event held at the University of Eindhoven...

Medicine and medico technology
04 DEC

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund in TV2 Go'Morgen Danmark Interview

Prof. H.H. Lund from DTU Center for Playware replies to Stephen Hawking's worries about Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Robot technology and automation
19 NOV

Center for Playware at Technology for Welfare Event

The Center for Playware exhibits Playware research at Rudersdal Municipality's Technology for Welfare Event

Medicine and medico technology Hospital layout and design Medical equipment and systems
31 OCT

Article about Playware in the recent publication Weekendavisen

The research of the Center for Playware is described in an article in Weekendavisen

Medicine and medico technology
20 OCT

The Playware Film "With Robots in Mind" to be featured on DR2

The Playware Film "With Robots in Mind" featuring Professor Henrik Hautop Lund of DTU's Center for Playware to be shown this week on DR2

Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems
24 SEP

Fable from Center for Playware in IEEE Spectrum

The modular robotic system, Fable, from our Center for Playware is presented in the IEEE Spectrum.

Medicine and medico technology
Centre for Playware gets 2nd best poster award and exciting article in IEEE Spectrum
22 SEP

Centre for Playware gets 2nd best poster award and exciting article in IEEE Spectrum

Centre for Playware wins 2nd best poster award at the IROS Modular Robotics Workshop in Chicago and gets a nice story about the Fable system (modular robotics) in IEEE...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Underwater Robots - Article about AUT and Center for Playware in the engineering paper "Ingeniøren"
11 SEP

Underwater Robots - Article about AUT and Center for Playware in the engineering...

The Danish engineering newspaper ”Ingeniøren” features a story about AUT and Center for Playware’s work on autonomous collaborative swarms of underwater modular robots

Marine research Electrotechnology Construction and mechanics
31 JUL

Playware Featured in Prominent Italian Newspaper

Playware has been Featured in the Sunday Edition of the most influential Italian Newspaper for Finance and Economy "Il Sole 24 Ore"

Medicine and medico technology
25 JUL

Robotics 2.0 from Centre for Playware in Russian Media

The Russian Media has, following a visit of international journalists to the centre, published a story on the research of the Centre for Playware.

Medicine and medico technology
24 JUN

The Center for Playware hosts 27 International Journalists interested in Playware...

Journalists from international media services such as WIRED, Spiegel, ARTE, ZDF, Il Sole 24 Ore, visited the Center for Playware on the 24th of June

Medical equipment and systems Medicine and medico technology Health and diseases
Playware Keynote at World Conference on Gerontechnology
18 JUN

Playware Keynote at World Conference on Gerontechnology

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund will give the keynote talk “Playful Rehabilitation with Playware for Older Adults” at the 9th World Conference on Gerontechnology (ISG 2014...

Robot technology and automation Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases
04 JUN

Center for Playware Chairs Play & Learn at RoboBusiness Europe 2014

The Center for Playware was Chair of the Play & Learn sessions of RoboBusiness Europe 2014 at LEGOLAND in Billund, Denmark, 26-27 May 2014. 

14 FEB

Associate Professor David Johan Christensen interviewed on DR.DK Harddisken

Associate Professor David Johan Christensen from the Center for Playware interviewed by DR.DK Harddisken

See DR2 programme about Google's acquisition of several robotics companies
19 DEC

See DR2 programme about Google's acquisition of several robotics companies

Head of Automation and Control Ole Ravn comments on Google's acquisition of Boston Dynamics and several other robotics companies on Danish national TV channel DR2

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
17 DEC

Playware Project Wins 1st Prize at Tanzanian ICT Summit

The Center for Playware project on modular playware tiles for rehabilitation in sub-Saharan Africa has won the 1st Prize at the Tanzanian ICT Summit in Dar Es-Salaam. ...

Medical equipment and systems Medicine and medico technology
11 DEC

Video of Playware at Science and Cocktails in Christiania

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund from the Center for Playware gave an entertaining talk at Byens Lys in Christiania as part of the Science and Cocktails concept.  The topic...

Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems
22 NOV

David J. Christensen, Assistant Professor at the Center for Playware receives...

DTU - Center for Playware’s work on of the interactive Fable modular robotic system for playful science and engineering education of children and young adults has received...

Medical equipment and systems Medicine and medico technology
Forsker Ian Butts fra DTU Aqua modtog Direktør, dr. Techn. A.N. Neergaards og Hustrus legat
21 NOV

Legater til måling af fisks sædkvalitet og til byg selv-robotter

Der var støtte til projekter på henholdsvis DTU Aqua og DTU Elektro, da Direktør Dr. Techn. A.N. Neergaards og Hustrus Fond uddelte legater torsdag den 14. november.

Marine research Electrotechnology
04 NOV

The Center for Playware on DR.DK - Welfare Technology through Play and the Gentofte...

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund from DTU's Center for Playware and the Director of "Children and Prevention" at Gentofte Municipality, Torben H.D. Petersen, talk about the...

Medical equipment and systems Medicine and medico technology
15 OCT

Tanzanian President Plays With Playware

Presidential interest in the Center for Playware's interactive tiles and the Centre's collaboration with the University of Iringa regarding welfare technology

Medical equipment and systems
01 OCT

Playware's MagicCubes on stage with Peter Gabriel on his European "Back to Front...

Playware's high tech MusicCubes are featured on stage as part of the show with Peter Gabriel on his "Back to Front" 2013 European tour

Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems
01 OCT

Playware interview in DR P1 Kulturnyt

Professor Henrik Hautop Lund gives an interview in DR P1 Kulturnyt. 

Medicine and medico technology
Seminar on L1 Adaptive Control
25 SEP

Seminar on L1 Adaptive Control

Invitation to a seminar on L1 Adaptive Control 3 October 2013 at 13.00 with special guest Professor Naira Hovakimyan from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as...

Electrotechnology Robot technology and automation
Playware i DTU Avisen
13 SEP

Playware i DTU Avisen

Playware and rehabilitation technology in DTU Avisen Playware og velfærdsteknologi i DTU Avisen

Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems
19 AUG

Fast Company on Playware

Fast Company on Playware- These Musical Cubes Remix the Way We Play With One Another

Medical equipment and systems
01 JUL

Center for Playware at Roskilde Festival 2013

Volbeat, Efterklang, etc. play with Center for Playware at Roskilde Festival 2013

Medical equipment and systems Robot technology and automation
24 JUN

The Center for Playware at the People's Public Meeting on Bornholm

The Center for Playware at the People's Public meeting in Bornholm Center for Playware på Folkemødet på Bornholm

Medical equipment and systems
10 JUN

DTU bringer videnskaben til Folkemødet

Folkemødet på Bornholm vil i år få deltagelse af forskere fra DTU, der vil sætte fokus på bæredygtigt fiskeri, velfærdsteknologi, polare aktiviteter og intelligente energisystemer...

Marine research Climate change Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems Polar research Earth observation Ice research Energy Energy systems

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