DTU students


The centre has an aim to work towards creating new courses and course modules capable of contributing to the development of the basis for a playware industry. This step will not only involve research on play and robotics, but also ICT and media research and design research, especially research on physical interaction design and tangible interaction.

Future course develepments
Aside from university courses, the centre will aim at ensuring that the knowledge embodied in the other educational institutes is given a real chance to be channelled into business development in the play industry, something which has so far only happened to a limited degree in Denmark, probably because of the fact that most pedagogical courses is placed outside the universities at “Centre for Higher Education”.
Researchers into Children's and Youth Cultures at the University of Southern Denmark have worked closely with the pedagogical Centre for Higher Education for a number of years, and this partnership will form the basis for course experiments. As a central part of this process, the centre will initiate collaboration between the Centre for Higher Education's technical and pedagogical courses, so that students periodically have the chance to be involved in cross-curricular development projects.